About British Columbia Swingers

Our mission is to help Lifestyle Swingers make contact with like minded people in their location. You can search our membership by Country, by Province and by town.
Most large cities have a thriving "Swingers Lifestyle" community who are always happy to greet new members.
If you feel shy about meeting people 1 on 1, pay a visit to a Swingers Club, you will be safe and have a wide range of potential playmates. Visit the page Swingers Clubs to find the closest clubs to you.

Swingers Holidays

I am sure that like us, you have been on holiday, seen a cute couple and wondered if they are also swingers?
A Swingers Holiday is a great way to spend a vacation. No children to disturb the peace, and all the adults, and often a few of the staff at the resort are looking for some sexy fun with the guests.
We have details of holidays here in Canada plus many more around the world. Visit the page Swingers Holidays to choose your next vacation.

  • Your Webmasters

We are Joanne better known as JoJo and David, better known as DirtyDavid a swinging couple that lives in Canada but travel widely.
JoJo is a Canadian girl from Ottawa and David is a British guy from southern England. We met at a swingers party that David had arranged in the UK in 2000.
We run lots of swingers dating websites around the world and have also run over 500 "Swingers Parties" when we lived in Europe. We are looking for locations to start running swingers events in New Brunswick. We hope to start running events when the Covid 19 restrictions are listed. For details see https://nbsocials.ca.
Find out more about our swinging Lifestyle on our photo website https://joanddavid.com

Adults who are, or who want to be, swingers. 25%

Percentage of couples looking for single men for a 3some. 62%

Percentage of our female members who are bisexual.76%